What are complex things made out of? They are made out of simple things. By combining, layering, cutting and pasting multiple simplicity, you get complexity. Just as such, this three-minutes complexity is made out of simple beats people came up with on the spot using simple found objects around them. It’s a simple method: carry around a metronome set at 60 bpm subdivided, and ask a random person,“ please create any rhythms you’d like using whatever you want for about 30 seconds.” And there is just one rule: “STAY ON THE BEAT.”
Now, can you hear complexity?
Inspiration? Well I know this idea of creating music using garbage has been out there for a while. For example, a world famous musical theater, Stomp, uses the idea of using garbage and other found objects to create complicated musical performance on stage. Besides such well-known art like Stomp, there has been many attempts world-wide to recycle the ugly garbage to create something phenomenal, something real- MUSIC.
trash can music |
a child with found object instruments |
This 3-minute music video, GARBEAT, is created collaboratively by a number of students who were randomly asked to create rhythms on the spot in 120 bpm, using found objects of their choice. Each individual's simple rhythms were cut, combined, layered, repeated in order to create a complicated music.
Now again.
Can you hear the music?